Sunday, May 31, 2009

Feast for your eyes

June starts tomorrow!

Ok folks, we're losing it again. I am the first culprit, since I haven't posted a recipe in quite a long time. But here comes another month, and with it a chance to revive our statistics! So I propose a bit of a challenge. let's make June a photo blog month. Instead of posting the actual recipe, post a photo of your dinner. Heck, even if its a photo of a dinner you ordered at a restaurant, or even if it's one that your child created/invented. Maybe you could even post a pic of a meal you want to make that you found online or in a recipe book somewhere. Post the photo and a few key ingredients, whether they are obvious in the photo or not. Then we, in the comments section will have the opportunity to vote yea or nay as to whether we want the recipe. It can be sort of like a non-competitive contest. With validation as the prize! Sure, it's not the most emotionally healthy way to go, but I'm betting that the recipes won't exactly be healthy either, so why not make sport of it?

On your mark, Get set, POST!


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